How a leading, multinational computer technology organization used Traincraft to experience significant positive impact from core competency training, deeply engage their employees and expand their understanding of core competency training.
In the rapidly changing global marketplace, the core competency model is often adopted by organizations to give them a competitive advantage. Our prior engagements with the organization had garnered great feedback. This time around, we were given the brief to design workshops that ensured employees met pre-specified behavioural indicators for two levels of each competency.
THE TRAINCRAFT APPROACH: To ensure that the training was effective, enjoyable and potent, we relied on our own proprietary process.
Interpreting Frameworks & Testing Content: Our in-depth research & ideation process deconstructed each competency and interpreted them in the context of the specific organization, the roles of the participants as well as the challenges that they faced.
Targeted & Comprehensive Programs: We designed high impact programs that addressed each behavioural indicator linked to a competency. Our detailed interpretation of the frameworks and employees’ context ensured that our interventions were targeted and comprehensive.
Interactive & Practical Exercises: The highly interactive and practical exercises in our sessions taught and communicated the competencies effectively.
RESULTS: The results of this approach were soon evident. The positive feedback we received from employees mentioned the practical aspects of the workshop, the sense of community created and the experience of attending the workshop. Furthermore, we had repeat attendees, and employees volunteered themselves for the training. People shifted work to attend the next available training and the organization expanded the engagement with Traincraft to include more core competencies.
The initial request of a writing workshop for the scribes in the SaaS Engineering division of a leading, multinational computer technology organization seemed simple. Traincraft delved deep to reframe the request and diagnose the source of the issue. In the process, the workflow was streamlined, parameters set for task success and the efficacy and cohesiveness of the team improved massively.
Analysis & Diagnosis: Our process of understanding the requirement is rigorous and we began with a recording of a customer call. Our team member attempted to perform the scribe’s role. It became clear that the problem wasn’t that of skill building since advanced language competency wasn’t a requirement.
Clear Parameters for Change Assessment: Based on our experience, we designed an assessment centre where we used a real incident to test the scribes on the process. We created processes to track missing information during the process and to capture critical information. As we delved deeper, it became evident that the workflow needed overhauling. An important aspect that also needed to be addressed was the perceived value of the scribe’s role.
Designing an Effective Workshop: Next, we designed a comprehensive program that addressed the challenges faced by the scribes. The first half of the program was focused entirely on listening skills, followed by writing skills, capturing critical information and understanding the value of the role of the scribe. Verifiable results in the assessment after the workshop clearly showed the impact of our interventions.
RESULTS: The workshop streamlined the scribe workflow and had a positive impact on the quality of technical support that the team could provide customers. After the program concluded, we conducted the assessment and saw significant improvements along the parameters of clarity, conciseness, comprehension and accuracy. We also noticed that the scribes had improved immensely on their ability to block distractions and ask for clarifications. This also influences and drives post-incident process reviews and incident analysis and drives continuous improvement of operations and execution.
Furthermore, the rest of the team were involved in the process and given guidelines to adhere to so that the scribes could fulfill their role effectively.
Traincraft’s diagnosis, assessment, training and evaluation process was so effective that the training is poised to be carried on with the other roles in the team.
The SaaS engineering division of a leading multinational computer technology company approached Traincraft with a request for a writing skills workshop for the scribes in the incident management team. Part of a global network of incident responders, scribes are crucial in critical response efforts across technical domains. This role can be understood as a real-time tracker who sits in on meetings where the incident as well as possible responses are being discussed and documents it.
A global investment solutions company used Traincraft to transform their employees into confident and effective communicators in every aspect of their roles. The massive changes were evident when the results from the pre- and post-training assessment were compared. Conducted along 27 criteria in 5 categories, participants showed high level learning outcomes in each category.
We were approached to conduct our signature program Power of Expression for the employees of a multinational investment solutions and financial management organization.
Needs Analysis & Assessment Framework: Planned as a 17 session learning journey on the most valuable topics connected to communication, we conducted an initial needs analysis to determine the specific requirements of the organization and its employees. Based on the analysis, we charted out five categories and 27 criteria that would provide a clear framework for assessing the effectiveness of the training. What emerged from that process was an in-depth journey in which people discover the inherent, powerful tool that they have- that of presenting their true self to the world.
Pre- and Post-Assessment Centre & Workshop Design: To evaluate this process we set up a pre- and post-assessment centre to conduct evaluations of the participants. We designed Power of Expression so it covers topics on communication ranging from self awareness of beliefs and mental models, concepts to build clarity in articulation and comprehension of information and advanced skills like openness, empathy, assertiveness and influencing that help you become more collaborative in your communication.
Training Translating to Empowerment in Real-Life Scenarios: The sessions started off with participants acquainting themselves with their internal landscape and building from that awareness. Our learning programs were a captivating and engaging mix of videos, reflections, constant practice, sharing circles, role plays and relating concepts that were taught back to real-life scenarios. The themes that were covered included workplace scenarios that could possibly cause conflicts, miscommunication, misunderstandings and blocks in workflow. Our sessions were about breaking down each concept to its components, its applicability in the participant’s real-life scenario, testing and habit formation to enable the new practice and mindset to become a part of their life.
RESULTS: While Power of Expression is one of our most popular and oft-requested programs, we always spend time carrying out a needs analysis and pre-assessment with each organization that we work with to customize it for the people. The results were there for everyone to see - 80% improvement in each of the 27 criteria that were covered along five categories designed to transform employees into confident and effective communicators.
A global pharmaceutical company used Traincraft to transform the communication process between their machine operators and their auditors during the annual audits. Breaking down mental barriers and letting go of internalised racism, the participants sailed through audits that they had previously failed. They learned to own their strengths and power and communicate with the confidence of their years of experience on the job.
We were approached by one of the world’s leading healthcare pharmaceutical companies to conduct a communication program for their machine operators. The problem the organization was facing was that each time international auditors arrived to conduct annual audits of the on-ground process, their machine operators struggled to communicate their skills and processes and as a result, they failed the audit process despite having the skills and know-how to easily pass the tests.
Needs Assessment & Diagnosis: We first discussed the needs and challenges of the participants. Soon it became clear that the machine operators did not speak English and were fluent in one of five local languages. The audit was about their skills and experience and not their English fluency. As a team it was clear that for the training to be effective, we had to hire translators for each of the five languages the machine operators were fluent in for the program. Machine operators were grouped according to the language they spoke and paired with one trainer and one translator.
Addressing The Root of The Issue: The focus of the communication sessions became very clear to us. Using a mix of activities, awareness exercises and practical role plays, we took the participants through highly interactive, enjoyable and rigorous sessions that deconstructed concepts of internalised racism, feelings of inferiority and how to deal with these feelings.
Breaking Mental Barriers: We also supported them in breaking mental barriers around language fluency, competency and their self perception. An important aspect of the engagement was in de-linking fluency in English with their creativity, authority and competency and owning their years of experience, knowledge and skill. Our role plays involving interactions with “auditors” and participants were a big hit with the participants responding confidently in their native language.
The transformation that was evident in the participants after the workshop was astounding. They were confident about their skills, able to communicate effectively in their language and trusted themselves and their skills.
This process eventually went further and we were asked to conduct communication programs for their supervisors.
A multinational computer technology organization engaged Traincraft to conduct the Campus to Corporate program across multiple cities with multiple batches of new recruits. A massive annual exercise that takes new recruits through a rigorous program that prepares them for their first role in the corporate world, Traincraft’s sessions were a resounding success.
A leading multinational computer technology company called on us to conduct the Campus to Corporate program that trains new recruits from the top engineering colleges around the country and prepares them for their first corporate role. A specially designed program was necessary to equip new graduates with the skills necessary to navigate the demands of their new role. A high degree of consistency was needed to ensure that all new hires across cities in the country had the same dynamic experience in the program. Traincraft had the challenging task of finding trainers who could deliver the program in each city and to have a contingency plan ready in case the trainer was not available due to unforeseen circumstances at the last moment.
Needs Analysis & Consistency in Experience: We first designed a rigorous and detail-oriented process for each of our trainers who would facilitate the program in each city so that the consistency in experience for the participants was high. Besides managing the many moving parts of a complex multi-city training program, ensuring the scalability of the experience of the sessions conducted in every city was crucial for us. This challenge called for thorough preparation, creating a special facilitator guidebook, and rigorous train-the-trainer sessions to ensure high quality sessions. Our commitment to consistency in quality is such that when we couldn’t locate a trainer to fulfill our criteria in Thiruvananthapuram, we sent a trainer from another city to conduct the program at our own cost. So far, Traincraft has been the organization’s choice to conduct this program annually for 4 years with the scale of the program increasing every year. In 2021, we facilitated simultaneous training for as many as 30 batches (of about 650 individuals).
Constant Iteration and Customization of Experience: In the fourth year of Traincraft conducting the Campus to Corporate program, we were asked to retain the content design. Since one of our guiding principles is to deliver above & beyond client expectations, we went through the existing design exhaustively, implementing the insights that we received in the past three years of facilitating the same program. This includes our experiences of working with millennials and the growth that is expected of them in these spaces. This meant significantly changing the content design for the fourth year. This is the level of commitment that a Traincraft engagement brings with it.
Empowering New Recruits: This intensive workshop took new recruits on an intensive journey of understanding the fundamentals of workplace communication, the spirit of teamwork and collaboration, and equipped them with tools to increase their personal effectiveness in teams. Every tool and skill that new recruits need for a successful transition into corporate life was taught using a combination of role plays, dynamic exercises, practical tips and interactive practices. The workshop was crafted to set them on the path to career success and professional growth.
The transformation that was evident in the participants after the workshop was astounding. They were confident about their skills, able to communicate effectively in their language and trusted themselves and their skills.
This process eventually went further and we were asked to conduct communication programs for their supervisors.
A well-known pharmaceutical company with a global presence approached Traincraft to conduct personal development training after poor feedback and results from previous training engagements. Traincraft’s first session on personal accountability was immensely successful and immediately scheduled for successive batches. This eventually led to more sessions on results orientation and emotional intelligence and training for the leadership team. With Traincraft’s program, employees became self aware, socially aware, and personal responsibility and productivity at the workplace increased, thereby transforming their experience in the company. Their work was no longer an automated task to do, but meaningful engagements that gave them satisfaction and meaning. The results were so satisfying that the organization invited Traincraft to engage next with the leadership team.
An established pharmaceutical company with a global presence approached us to conduct personal development training beginning with a session on the theme of personal accountability to address their employees’ challenges
Needs Analysis & Assessment Framework: Beginning from scratch, we investigated the experience of employees over a period of time and constantly updated our perceptions about their challenges. The program constantly evolved based on the context, content and methodologies as we deepened our understanding of the culture, processes and employees with each successive session.
Encouraging an Organizational Culture Shift: The pharma industry tends to be hierarchical and its processes and structure are designed for compliance rather than transparent communication and honest feedback. With the theme of personal responsibility, emotional intelligence and results orientation, we worked creatively with numerous exercises, role plays and dynamic activities to break barriers around being aware about one’s personal feelings, expressing them, and having challenging conversations at the workplace. We also made evident the consequences of repressing emotions in the workplace through our engagement. We equipped them with tools to enhance their focus, manage distractions, prioritise their tasks and schedule them for better productivity. A greater sense of self awareness led to greater social awareness among the team members and once they were empowered to be straightforward in their communication, it had a palpable effect on their sense of personal accountability.
Our sessions on emotional intelligence, personal accountability, and the ways of embodying a result oriented mindset were well-received by the management and senior leadership team. The transformation that the participants underwent came with fulfilling personal testimonies of behaviour change. They were far more self aware and therefore conscious of the possible effect of their actions on team members and managers. They used the tools they learned to enhance their productivity at work, engage in difficult conversations, give and receive feedback and have a sense of pride and ownership in their work. The employees’ feedback about the training solidified our relationship with the organization. This was followed by an engagement to conduct a series of sessions on leadership for the management.